**New Hooked on Phonics, Children Learn to Read.

• Learn to Play the Guitar Easy Steps Learn to Sing Learn to Play the Drums
• Music in our homes is a very powerful parenting tool. It creates opportunities for cooperation and self-control, in addition to forming emotional bonds that help negotiate the sticky day-to-day challenges of living with kids. Recent brain research supports three interesting claims that can make parenting a little easier with music;
1. Music gives the brain the emotional boost for learning and problem-solving from increased dopamine production.
2. Music strengthens basic listening skills by affecting changes in the auditory cortex. Preschool teachers have known for decades that music captures children’s attention and engages bodies and minds in constructive action. So what are you singing in your house these days? **Find and Download here**
3. Playing and singing the same songs at certain times of the day, like bath time, naptime and bedtime will teach the child to associate the song with a comforting routine. You might be very surprised when singing a few bars will calm their tears. Babies love to hear their names, so when you sing to them, it will help a lot to insert their names in the song, then
watch their face light up.
Love Songs: Every family needs their own love song, maybe even a theme song. Your songs become a soundtrack for your family: think “Best Years of Our Lives” from the “Shrek” soundtrack, “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” from “Spamalot” or “All Is Love” from “Where the Wild Things Are.” Parents and children need go-to songs to shift the focus from all the spilt milk and messiness of family life.
Transition Songs; Music is a powerful way to trigger positive emotions in the brain and to strengthen family connections. One of the hardest times for toddlers and preschoolers is transitions... the prime time for “No-No-No I don’t want to do it.” Songs can help with waiting, cleanup and moving from place to place. Songs can distract, or they can engage brains and imaginations to make lifelong habits more bearable between daily routines like waking, eating, brushing, bathing and bedtime. Lullabies are the cornerstone of musical routines. Sing them while walking to the bedroom, after story time or in the hall to reassure your wakeful child. A lullaby is the love that plays in your child’s head long after you leave. Routine songs help children learn attitudes, to make just about any boring routine more fun and manageable.
Emotions; One of the best parts of songs for children is that, like books, they help young children understand themselves and the world. Like books, music touches emotions, going beyond any logic and reason. Songs don’t literally have to mention feelings, because some feelings can’t be put into words. Music, as much as books, holds the key to open new worlds to children. So grab your favorite download, and enjoy your favorite recordings of songs and artists, but never underestimate the power of your own voice as off-key as it may be, your child still loves it. Music is personal, even better when you improvise new lyrics or add your child’s name. A singing parent is one who is tuned-in when it counts the most.

Derrick Passley is a Musician and Record Producer in Miami, Florida, USA. See Derrick Passley Videos on Youtube.com/dpassley Buy Music on Amazon Here.. Time-Life Specials on Sale Now